You need to improve performance of the search

You configure a sharepoint server 2013 SP1. The farm contains a single search service
application that has two index servers. The search index contains 3 million documents that
reside on the sharepoint
farm and 2 million documents that reside on a network file server named fileserver1. You
attach a content database that contains 8 million documents. You make sites from the
database accessible on your farm. You grant Read permissions to anonymous users to
read all the content on these sites. You need to improve performance of the search. You
also need to ensure that users can search the contents of the entire Sharepoint farm from a
single SearchCenter Site. What should you do?

You configure a sharepoint server 2013 SP1. The farm contains a single search service
application that has two index servers. The search index contains 3 million documents that
reside on the sharepoint
farm and 2 million documents that reside on a network file server named fileserver1. You
attach a content database that contains 8 million documents. You make sites from the
database accessible on your farm. You grant Read permissions to anonymous users to
read all the content on these sites. You need to improve performance of the search. You
also need to ensure that users can search the contents of the entire Sharepoint farm from a
single SearchCenter Site. What should you do?

Add a new crawl rule and specify the path where the rule will apply. In the Crawl Configuration section,
select the Exclude all items in the path option.

Add a new crawl rule and specify the path where the rule will apply. In the Crawl Configuration section,
select the Include all items in the path option.

Add a new index partition and distribute the existin index across the two index servers.

Add a new federated search location. In the Restrictions and Credentials Information section select the No
restriction: All sites can use this location option.

Add a new search scope at the site administrationlevel. Add a scope rule that uses the Content Source
rule type.

Add a new content source and specify its start address. Add a crawl schedule and initiate a full crawl.

Add a second Search service application and distribute the indexed content across the two index servers.

Add a new search scope at the service applicationlevel. Add a scope rule that uses the Web Address rule

In Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Search, index partitions are groups of query components, each of which
holds a subset of the full text index and which return search results to the query originator. Each index partition
is associated with a specific property database containing metadata associated with a specific set of crawled
content. You can distribute the load of query servicing by adding index partitions to a Search Service
Application and placing their query components on different farm servers.
You can decide which servers in a farm will servicequeries by creating a query component on that server. If
you want to balance the load of servicing queries across multiple farm servers, add query components to an
index partition and associate them with the serversyou want to service queries. See Add or remove a query
component for more information.

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