What command produced the following output?
show ip process
show ip route
show ip protocols
show ip routing process
The show ip protocols command is used to view the current state of active routing protocols. This command is
issued from Privileged EXEC mode. It has the following syntax:
Router# show ip protocols
This command does not have any parameters.
The output was not produced by the command show ip process or the show ip routing process. The show ip
routing process and show ip process commands are incorrect because these are not valid Cisco IOS
The output was not produced by the command show ip route. The show ip route command is is used to view
the current state of the routing table. An example of the output is shown below.Objective:
Routing Fundamentals
Compare and contrast distance vector and link-state routing protocolsCCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide (Cisco Press, ISBN 1-58720-181-X), Chapter 11:
Troubleshooting Routing Protocols, pp. 410-413.