How would you disable the anti malware filtering and ensure that engine updates from microsoft are downloaded and updated.

How would you disable the anti malware filtering and ensure that engine updates from microsoft are
downloaded and updated.

How would you disable the anti malware filtering and ensure that engine updates from microsoft are
downloaded and updated.



Disable-Antimalwarescanning.ps1 (probable option)

Update-MalwareFilteringServer.ps1 (guessed option)

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Should be B?

“To temporarily bypass malware filtering, run the following command:
Set-MalwareFilteringServer -BypassFiltering $true”

“Bypassing malware filtering should only be done when troubleshooting a problem. When malware filtering is bypassed, the Exchange malware agent remains hooked, and engine updates are kept up-to-date”

Matt Lavoy

Matt Lavoy

Answer is C – Jamie read the technet article you referenced:

To disable malware filtering, run the following command:

& $env:ExchangeInstallPath\Scripts\Disable-Antimalwarescanning.ps1

The question specifically states disabling malware filtering (not temporarily bypassing malware filtering on an exch server which is what answer B would accomplish)

Tricky question..

Matt Lavoy

Matt Lavoy

I take back my statement… Answer is B as engine updates are not kept up to date when disabling malware filtering.