You need to create an exclusion for two helpdesk RBAC (Role Based Access Control) groups to not
have access to managers.
You will need to pick 3 powershell commands from the available choices
New-ManagementRole, New-ManagementScope,Set-ManagementScope (Guessed)
New-ManagementScope, RecipientRestrictionFilter ,New-ManagementRoleAssignment (Guessed)
New-ManagementScope, New-ManagementRoleAssignment, CustomRecipientWriteScope
Unsure of commands and correct answer
1) Scopes can be created so that roles are restricted to operate against specific servers, an OU,or a recipient filter such as the members of a distribution group. For example, this command creates a new scope based on a distribution group called Company Officers. You can
even use a dynamic distribution group for this purpose.
New-ManagementScope –Name ‘Company Officers’ –RecipientRestrictionFilter {MemberOf-
Group –eq “Company Officers”}
Get-ManagementScope ‘Company Officers’
2) After creating an exclusive scope, you then need to associate it with a management role assignment that assigns the appropriate management roles to the appropriate role group or groups. In the following example, members of the Level 5 Administrators security group are granted permission to work with Protected Manager mailboxes:
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name “Level 5 Administrators_Mail
Recipients” -SecurityGroup “Level 5 Administrators” -Role “Mail
Recipients” -CustomRecipientWriteScope “Protected Managers”