Which option would you choose to accomplish this task?

You work as an IT engineer in an international company which is named Wikigo. There are many System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 2008 servers in the company, and you are in charge of a server named server01 which is deployed as a library server. Now you are assigned a task that a new virtual hard disk (.vhd) should be added to the library server. Which option would you choose to accomplish this task?

You work as an IT engineer in an international company which is named Wikigo. There are many System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 2008 servers in the company, and you are in charge of a server named server01 which is deployed as a library server. Now you are assigned a task that a new virtual hard disk (.vhd) should be added to the library server. Which option would you choose to accomplish this task?

In order to accomplish this task, you should copy the .vhd file to the %programdata%Virtual Machine Manager Library FilesVHD folder.

In order to accomplish this task, you should establish a new hardware profile from the VMM Administrator Console.

In order to accomplish this task, you should establish a new guest operating system profile from the VMM Administrator Console.

In order to accomplish this task, you should copy the .vhd file to the %programfiles%Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008VMMData folder.

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