What should you modify?

You have a DNS server named Served. Server1 has a primary zone named contoso.com. Zone Aging/Scavenging is configured for the contoso.com zone.
One month ago. an Administrator removed a server named Server2 from the network. You discover that a static resource record for Server2 is present in contoso.com. Resource records for decommissioned client computers are removed automatically from contoso.com.
You need to ensure that the static resource records for all of the servers are removed automatically from contoso.com.
What should you modify?

You have a DNS server named Served. Server1 has a primary zone named contoso.com. Zone Aging/Scavenging is configured for the contoso.com zone.
One month ago. an Administrator removed a server named Server2 from the network. You discover that a static resource record for Server2 is present in contoso.com. Resource records for decommissioned client computers are removed automatically from contoso.com.
You need to ensure that the static resource records for all of the servers are removed automatically from contoso.com.
What should you modify?

The Security settings of the static resource records

The Expires after value ofcontoso.com

The Record time stamp value of the static resource records

The time-to-live (TTL) value of the static resource records

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sysadmin says:
January 19, 2015 at 9:39 am
Static records don’t have timestamps. That’s why you have to manually enable the timestamp for scavenging to work.



I see, and now knowing that it will make it easier to remember. However, isn’t this one of those pointless Microsoft trivia questions? “You need to ensure that all all static resource records for all of the servers are removed automatically”. So you set a timestamp for a future date for _all_ your servers with static records and then what; remember to come back before that date and ‘touch’ the time stamps you don’t want to expire? Put it far enough into the future that if a record becomes invalid, the record is still there regardless?



forget about the background of such questions, they just wanna know if you know technical background of stuff! in this case some background of static DNS records…
don’t think too much, just memorize facts and you’ll pass 🙂

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Can someone please confirm this answer?

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