In software engineering, the term verification is defined as:

In software engineering, the term verification is defined as:

In software engineering, the term verification is defined as:

To establish the fitness or worth of a software product for its operational mission

A complete, validated specification of the required functions, interfaces, and performance for the
software product

A complete, verified specification of the overall hardware-software architecture, control structure,
and data structure for the product

To establish the truth of correspondence between a software product and its specification

In the Waterfall model (W.W. Royce, Managing the Development of Large Software Systems:
Concepts and Techniques, Proceedings, WESCON, August 1970). * answer “A complete, validated
specification of the required functions, interfaces, and performance for the software product”
defines the term requirements. *Similarly, answer “To establish the fitness or worth of a software
product for its operational mission”, defines the term validation, and answer d is the definition of
product design. In summary, the steps of the Waterfall model are: System feasibility Software plans
and requirements Product design Detailed design Code Integration Implementation Operations and
maintenance In this model, each phase finishes with a verification and validation (V&V) task that is
designed to eliminate as many problems as possible in the results of that phase.

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