What is the difference between a parallel disaster recovery plan test and a full interruption disaster recovery plan test?

What is the difference between a parallel disaster recovery plan test and a full interruption disaster
recovery plan test?

What is the difference between a parallel disaster recovery plan test and a full interruption disaster
recovery plan test?

There is no difference; both terms mean the same thing.

Functional business unit representatives meet to review the plan to ensure it accurately reflects
the organizations recovery strategy.

While a parallel test tests the processing functionality of the alternate site, the full-interruption
test actually replicates a disaster by halting production.

While a full-interruption test tests the processing functionality of the alternate site, the parallel
test actually replicates a disaster by halting production.

parallel test tests the processing functionality of the alternate site, whereas the full-interruption test
actually replicates a disaster by halting production. *Answer “Functional business unit

representatives meet to review the plan to ensure it accurately reflects the organizations recovery
strategy” is the definition of a checklist test type.

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