What actions should you implement?

You are employed as a database administrator at Domain.com. The Domain.com network consists of a single Active Directory domain named Domain.com. Domain.com makes use of a mission-critical database named CK_DATA. CK_DATA is located on a server named Certkiller -DB01. You have received instruction from the CIO to mirror CK_DATA on a second server named Certkiller -DB02. Prior to establishing database mirroring you need to prepare CK_DATA and the servers for mirroring.
What actions should you implement?

You are employed as a database administrator at Domain.com. The Domain.com network consists of a single Active Directory domain named Domain.com. Domain.com makes use of a mission-critical database named CK_DATA. CK_DATA is located on a server named Certkiller -DB01. You have received instruction from the CIO to mirror CK_DATA on a second server named Certkiller -DB02. Prior to establishing database mirroring you need to prepare CK_DATA and the servers for mirroring.
What actions should you implement?

You need to set the AutoShrink property of CK_DATA on Certkiller -DB01 to false.

You need to back up CK_DATA on Certkiller -DB01.
Then the back-up can be restored on Certkiller -DB02 and the NORECOVERY option can be identified.

You need to set to bulk-logged recovery on the recovery model of CK_DATA on Certkiller -DB01.

You need to create endpoints on all participating servers.

You need to set to full recovery on Certkiller -DB01 the recovery model of CK_DATA.

You need to back up CK_DATA on Certkiller -DB01.
Then the back-up can be restored on Certkiller -DB02 and the RECOVERY option can be identified.

To configure mirroring you have to make sure that the databases are set to use the Full recovery model. Database mirroring maintains both the primary and mirror databases as exact duplicates. This includes synchronizing all internal structures such as Log Sequence Numbers (LSNs), the Simple and Bulk-Logged recovery models are incompatible with database mirroring. When restoring the database to the mirror, it is essential that you specify the NORECOVERY option for the RESTORE command. This will guarantee that the starting state of the mirror reflects the state of the principal database, including the LSNs. Thereafter you have to produce a communication channel for the database mirroring to use and this is done by creating an endpoint for data mirroring on all participating servers.

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