Which strategies should you adopt to meet the requirements?

You are a database administrator for your company.
To configure the application environment in the high-availability mode, you have configured a standby server in addition to the primary SQL Server 2008 server.
This standby server should appear online immediately if the primary server fails.
The primary server has a largevolume of inserts, updates, and selects, and generates a transaction log that is almost 100 GB. If the primary server fails, you should minimize the network impact while bringing the standby server online.
You should prevent any type of data loss. Which strategies should you adopt to meet the requirements?

You are a database administrator for your company.
To configure the application environment in the high-availability mode, you have configured a standby server in addition to the primary SQL Server 2008 server.
This standby server should appear online immediately if the primary server fails.
The primary server has a largevolume of inserts, updates, and selects, and generates a transaction log that is almost 100 GB. If the primary server fails, you should minimize the network impact while bringing the standby server online.
You should prevent any type of data loss. Which strategies should you adopt to meet the requirements?

Switch to the Simple Recovery model.

Truncate the transaction log on the primary database every three minutes.

Create a tail-log backup on the primary database, and restore all the transaction log backups on the standby server including the WITH STANDBY option.

Create a tail-log backup on the primary database, and restore all the transaction log backups on the standby server including the WITH RECOVERY option.


You should create a tail-log backup on the primary database and restore all the transaction log backups on thestandby server including the
option. Restoring the log on the secondary database with the
option applies the transaction logs to the standby server. If the primary server fails, only thecurrent transaction log needs to be applied, therefore, reducing the network impact. You should not switch to the Simple Recovery model because the Simple Recovery model does not usetransaction log backups and increases the possibility of data loss in the event of a server failure. You should not truncate the transaction log on the primary database every three minutes. Truncating thetransaction log will only reduce the logical size of the log. Truncation involves marking the space used by the oldlog records as reusable. Truncation initiates the secondary database but does not minimize the network impact. You should not create a tail-log backup on the primary database and restore all the transaction log backups onthe standby server including the
option. Restoring the log on the secondary database with the
option applies the transaction log backup to the standby server and brings the standbydatabase online. In this scenario, the logs should be shipped to the standby database, but the server should bebrought online only when the primary server fails.

Implementing High Availability

Implement log shipping.

TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Operations > Administration >Administration: How-to Topics > Server Management How-to Topics > How to: Set Up, Maintain, and Bring Onlinea Warm Standby Server (Transact-SQL)

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