Which jobs should you create?

You are the database administrator for your company. You are in the process of enabling log shipping to improvethe availability of the database.
You have configured four servers of which Prod1 is the primary server instance that maintains your productiondatabase, Prod2 and Prod3 are the secondary server instances for log shipping, and Prod4 is the monitor serverinstance.
After configuring the servers, you must create jobs for the four server instances involved in log shipping.
Which jobs should you create? (Choose all that apply.)

You are the database administrator for your company. You are in the process of enabling log shipping to improvethe availability of the database.
You have configured four servers of which Prod1 is the primary server instance that maintains your productiondatabase, Prod2 and Prod3 are the secondary server instances for log shipping, and Prod4 is the monitor serverinstance.
After configuring the servers, you must create jobs for the four server instances involved in log shipping.
Which jobs should you create? (Choose all that apply.)

a copy job on Prod1

a copy job on Prod3

an alert job on Prod4

an alert job on Prod1

a restore job on Prod3

a restore job on Prod4

a backup job on Prod1

a backup job on Prod2


You should create a copy job on Prod3 , an alert job on Prod4 , a restore job on Prod3 , and a backup job on Prod1 . When configuring log shipping, you create four different types of jobs. A backup job is created on aprimary server that maintains the production database for which log shipping should be configured. A backup jobperforms backup operations. Therefore, in this scenario, a backup job should be created on the primary serverinstance, Prod1 . You must create a copy job on every secondary server instance in the configuration. A copy jobcopies backup files from the primary server instance to the secondary server instance. Therefore, in this scenario,a copy job should be created on the secondary server instances, Prod2 and Prod3 . A restore job is created onthe secondary server instance and restores the copied backup files to the secondary server databases.In thisscenario, the restore job should be created on Prod2 and Prod3 . An alert job can be optionally created on amonitor server if the server has been configured in your logshipping environment. An alert job raises thenecessary alerts for the primary and secondary server instances using the monitor server instance. In thisscenario, an alert job should be created on Prod4 , which is configured as the monitor server instance. You should not create a copy job on Prod1 because a copy job is created on the secondary server. In thisconfiguration, Prod1 is the primary server instance. You should not create a backup job on Prod2 because a backup job is created on the primary server. In thisconfiguration, Prod2 is a secondary server instance. You should not create a restore job on Prod4 because a restore job is created on the secondary server. In thisconfiguration, Prod4 is the monitor server instance. You should not create an alert job on Prod1 because an alert job is created on the monitor server. In thisconfiguration,
Prod1 is the primary server instance.

Implementing High Availability

Implement log shipping.

TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Operations > High Availability > LogShipping > Log Shipping Overview

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