What else should you do?

You are the SQL administrator for your company. A new SQL Server 2008 computer named SQL3 has beendeployed on your network.
You create a default instance named MSSQLServer and two named instances named HumanResources-SQL3 and Finance-SQL3.
After creating the three instances, you attempt to connect to each of them from your Windows Vista clientcomputer.
You connect successfully to the default instance, but are unable to connect to the named instances.
You ensure that you enabled remote connections on the named instances. The appropriate ports for the namedinstances are open on the firewall. What else should you do?

You are the SQL administrator for your company. A new SQL Server 2008 computer named SQL3 has beendeployed on your network.
You create a default instance named MSSQLServer and two named instances named HumanResources-SQL3 and Finance-SQL3.
After creating the three instances, you attempt to connect to each of them from your Windows Vista clientcomputer.
You connect successfully to the default instance, but are unable to connect to the named instances.
You ensure that you enabled remote connections on the named instances. The appropriate ports for the namedinstances are open on the firewall. What else should you do?

Restart the SQL server.

Restart the two named instances.

Enable the SQL Server Agent service.

Enable the SQL Server Browser service.


You should enable the SQL Server Browser service. To connect remotely to named instances, the SQL ServerBrowser service is used. Without this service enabled, errors will occur. The following three actions must be takento establish remote connections to a named instance:
? Enable remote connections on the named instance.
? Enable the SQL Server Browser service.
? Configure the firewall to allow traffic related to SQL Server and the SQL Server Browser service.You should not restart the SQL server. The problem is not with the SQL server because you are able to connectto the default instance on the SQL server. You should not restart the two named instances. The problem is with the SQL Server Browser service. Until thisservice is enabled, you will be unable to connect remotely to named instances. You should not enable the SQL Server Agent service. This service is responsible for managing alerts and jobs inSQL Server 2008. It is not used to connect remotely to named instances.

Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2008

Configure SQL Server instances.

Microsoft Help and Support > How to configure SQL Server 2005 to allow remote connections TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Getting Started > Initial Installation > SQL Server Setup UserInterface Reference > Instance Configuration

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