What should you do?

You are the SQL administrator for your company. You have several SQL Server 2008 computers deployedinternationally. You have configured a SQL Server 2008 computer named SQLReport with SQL Server ReportingServices (SSRS) enabled. You need to configure an archive strategy. SQLReport manages thousands of reports. You need to manage yourreports according to the following requirements:
? All archived reports must be saved to the D:Reports folder.
? For each archived report, one user must be able to access a fully interactive copy of the archived report.
? Delivery of archived reports must be automated.
What should you do? (Choose all that apply. Each correct answer represents part of the complete solution.)

You are the SQL administrator for your company. You have several SQL Server 2008 computers deployedinternationally. You have configured a SQL Server 2008 computer named SQLReport with SQL Server ReportingServices (SSRS) enabled. You need to configure an archive strategy. SQLReport manages thousands of reports. You need to manage yourreports according to the following requirements:
? All archived reports must be saved to the D:Reports folder.
? For each archived report, one user must be able to access a fully interactive copy of the archived report.
? Delivery of archived reports must be automated.
What should you do? (Choose all that apply. Each correct answer represents part of the complete solution.)

Create a subscription for each report that saves the report as a file.

Create a subscription for each report that uses file-share delivery.

Use the Report History feature.

Create a subscription for each report that uses e-mail delivery.


You should create a subscription for each report that uses file-share delivery and create a subscription for eachreport that uses e-mail delivery. The subscription that uses file-share delivery will allow all archived reports to besaved to the D:Reports folder. However, this version of the reports is static and does not include access to allthe reports’ interactive features. To give a user access to a fully interactive copy of an archived report, the reportshould be e-mailed to the user by creating a subscription that uses e-mail delivery. You should not create a subscription for each report that saves the report as a file. This method should only beused when you have a small number of reports that need archiving.
You should not use the Report History feature. This is an internal SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)feature that creates historical copies of reports in the report server database each time reports are run.

Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2008

Configure additional SQL Server components.

TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Reporting Services > Development > Designing andImplementing Reports > Designing and Implementing Reports Using Report Designer > Viewing and SavingReports > Saving Reports TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Reporting Services > Operations > Administration >Subscription and Delivery > File Share Delivery in Reporting Services

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