What is the result of issuing this statement?

You are the database administrator for a banking firm. Your company stores information regarding all itscustomers in a database named Customers . A power failure causes your server to shut down unexpectedly. Thiscauses the database to close improperly. After restoring the power, you restart the server, and start up the database. To ensure that the database is notcorrupted, you issue the following statement:
What is the result of issuing this statement? (Choose all that apply.)

You are the database administrator for a banking firm. Your company stores information regarding all itscustomers in a database named Customers . A power failure causes your server to shut down unexpectedly. Thiscauses the database to close improperly. After restoring the power, you restart the server, and start up the database. To ensure that the database is notcorrupted, you issue the following statement:
What is the result of issuing this statement? (Choose all that apply.)

All databases on the server are checked for the logical integrity of their objects.

All database tables in the current database are checked for consistency and logical integrity.

The DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP statement is issued on the database.

The DBCC CHECKCATALOG statement is issued on the database.

The current database statistics are displayed.

Errors reported as a result of the integrity check are repaired.


The statement checks all the database tables in the current database for consistency and logical integrity, and the DBCC CHECKCATALOG statement is issued on the database. When you issue the DBCC CHECKDB statement, it checks the structural and logical integrity of all the objects in the specified database. If the name ofthe database is not specified, the current database will be checked. The DBCC CHECKDB command internallyissues the following additional statements on the database:
The DBCC CHECKDB statement also validates the Service Broker data and the indexed views in the database.You can also check database integrity by selecting the Check Database Integrity Task , which is part of the Maintenance Tasks section of the SSIS Designer. The statement does not check all the databases on the server for the logical integrity of their objects. The DBCCCHECKDB statement only checks the specified database or the current database for the logical integrity of itsobjects, not all the databases on the server. The DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP statement is not issued on the database. The DBCC CHECKDB statement does not run the DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP statement on the database. The DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP statementchecks the allocation and structural integrity of the objects residing in the specified filegroup. The current database statistics are not displayed. The current database statistics are displayed by using the DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS statement. Errors reported as a result of the integrity check are not repaired. The DBCC CHECKDB statement does notrepair any errors during the integrity check unless you specify the REPAIR_REBUILD or REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS argument in the statement.

Maintaining a SQL Server Database

Maintain database integrity.

TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Technical Reference > Transact-SQLReference > DBCC (Transact-SQL) > DBCC CHECKDB (Transact-SQL)

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