Which value should you select for the Type option to create the alert?

You manage an instance of SQL Server 2008 for your company. The instance contains a database named MarketingDB .
You have been asked to create an alert that will notify you when any user with insufficientpermission attempts to access the database.
You decide to create an alert that will be triggered based on severitylevel. You open the New Alert dialog box to create a new alert.
exhibit Which value should you select for the Type option to create the alert?

You manage an instance of SQL Server 2008 for your company. The instance contains a database named MarketingDB .
You have been asked to create an alert that will notify you when any user with insufficientpermission attempts to access the database.
You decide to create an alert that will be triggered based on severitylevel. You open the New Alert dialog box to create a new alert.

Which value should you select for the Type option to create the alert?

SQL Server event alert

SQL Server performance condition alert

WMI event alert

Windows performance alert


You should select SQL Server event alert for the Type option. An alert is an automated response to an event orperformance condition that is triggered when the event or performance condition occurs. In SQL Server 2008, analert can be defined to respond to SQL Server events, SQL Server performance conditions, and WMI events. Thetype of event you select determines the parameters that can be used in the alert definition. When you select the SQL Server event alert event type in the Type drop-down list in the
New Alert dialog box, you can configure thealert to occur in response to a particular error number, severity level, or when the event message contains aparticular text string as shown in the following image:

While configuring an alert, you can also specify how the alert should respond to an event. You can configure analert to execute a job or notify operators when the event occurs. For example, you can configure an alert to sendyou an e-mail when any file in a particular database grows. To do this, you can configure a job that uses the xp_sendmail extended stored procedure or sp_send_dbmail stored procedure on the Response page of the New Alert dialog box.

Maintaining SQL Server Instances

Manage SQL Server Agent jobs.

MSDN > MSDN Library > Servers and Enterprise Development > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Operations > Administration > AutomatingAdministrative Tasks (SQL Server Agent) > Monitoring and Responding to Events > Defining Alerts

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