which fixed server role should you add the other administrator?

You are a SQL administrator for your company. You manage all of your company’s SQL Server 2008 computers.An administrator for another department needs access to the SQL Server 2008 computers that you manage. Youwant to allow the other administrator to add and remove linked servers without granting the administratorunnecessary permissions.
To which fixed server role should you add the other administrator?

You are a SQL administrator for your company. You manage all of your company’s SQL Server 2008 computers.An administrator for another department needs access to the SQL Server 2008 computers that you manage. Youwant to allow the other administrator to add and remove linked servers without granting the administratorunnecessary permissions.
To which fixed server role should you add the other administrator?






You should add the other administrator to the setupadmin fixed server role. This role can add and remove linkedservers on a SQL Server 2008 computer. You should not add the other administrator to the sysadmin fixed server role. This role would grant the otheradministrator all rights on the server. You should not add the other administrator to the serveradmin
fixed server role. This role does not grant themember the permission to add and remove linked servers. Members of this role can change server-wideconfiguration settings and reboot the server. You should not add the other administrator to the diskadmin fixed server role. This role does not grant themember the permission to add and remove linked servers. Members of this role can manage disk files.

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