Which command should you issue to start the appropriate service?

You are the SQL administrator for your company. A SQL Server 2008 instance named SQL_Prod contains all theproduction databases.
From SQL_Prod , you need to connect to another SQL Server 2008 instance named SQL_Test.
However, you cannot obtain a list of the available servers.
You suspect that the appropriate service is not started.
Which command should you issue to start the appropriate service?

You are the SQL administrator for your company. A SQL Server 2008 instance named SQL_Prod contains all theproduction databases.
From SQL_Prod , you need to connect to another SQL Server 2008 instance named SQL_Test.
However, you cannot obtain a list of the available servers.
You suspect that the appropriate service is not started.
Which command should you issue to start the appropriate service?






You should issue the sqlbrowser.exe command to start the SQL Server Browser service. The SQL ServerBrowser service allows you to browse available servers and connect to other SQL Server instances. None of the other command-line utilities can be used start the SQL Server Browser service. The sqlagent.exe command is used to start, stop, and pause the SQL Server Agent service. The sqlcmd.exe command is used theenter Transact-SQL commands outside the Query Editor window. The sqlservr.exe command is used to start,stop, and pause the SQL Server service.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting SQL Server

Identify SQL Server service problems.

TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Technical Reference > FeatureReference > SQL Server Browser Service

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