Which two permissions will you require to perform this task?

You manage an instance of SQL Server 2008 named SQL1 . SQL1 contains two schemas named Corp and Customer.
You want to move a table named Products from the Corp schema to the Customer schema.
Which two permissions will you require to perform this task? (Choose two. Each correct answer represents part ofthe solution.)

You manage an instance of SQL Server 2008 named SQL1 . SQL1 contains two schemas named Corp and Customer.
You want to move a table named Products from the Corp schema to the Customer schema.
Which two permissions will you require to perform this task? (Choose two. Each correct answer represents part ofthe solution.)

the CONTROL permission on the Products table

the ALTER permission on the Customer schema

the ALTER permission on the Corp schema

the CONTROL permission on the Customer schema

the CONTROL permission on the Corp schema

the ALTER permission on the Products table


To perform this task, you require the CONTROL permission on the Products table and the ALTER permission onthe Customer schema. The ALTER SCHEMA Transact-SQL statement allows you to transfer a securable fromone schema to another. The syntax for using this command is given below: ALTER SCHEMA < schema_name > TRANSFER < securable_name
>; For example, to move a table named Products from the Corp schema to the Customer schema, you should runthe following Transact-SQL statement: ALTER SCHEMA Customer TRANSFER Corp.Products; To perform this task, the current user must have CONTROL permission on the securable and the ALTER permission on the target schema. All other options are incorrect because they do not specify the correct permissions for the securable and thetarget schema required to perform this task.

Performing Data Management Tasks

Manage data partitions.

MSDN > MSDN Library > Servers and Enterprise Development > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Technical Reference > Transact-SQLReference > ALTER SCHEMA (Transact-SQL)

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