What should you do to achieve this?

You manage a SQL Server 2008 database for a banking firm.
You currently perform a full database backup of thedatabase by using the Full Recovery model with transaction log backups.
This ensures that there is no data lossin case of a database failure. You regularly receive large files from other trading and investment firms.
The data in the files is imported intotemporary tables.
After the import, you insert this data into the appropriate tables in your database by using BULK INSERT statements.
This import process exhausts all the log space assigned to the database.
This bulk insert operation is not critical because the bulk operation can be restarted without affecting the databaseoperations if it fails.
You must prevent the log file from growing. Data loss is unacceptable.
What should you do to achieve this?

You manage a SQL Server 2008 database for a banking firm.
You currently perform a full database backup of thedatabase by using the Full Recovery model with transaction log backups.
This ensures that there is no data lossin case of a database failure. You regularly receive large files from other trading and investment firms.
The data in the files is imported intotemporary tables.
After the import, you insert this data into the appropriate tables in your database by using BULK INSERT statements.
This import process exhausts all the log space assigned to the database.
This bulk insert operation is not critical because the bulk operation can be restarted without affecting the databaseoperations if it fails.
You must prevent the log file from growing. Data loss is unacceptable.
What should you do to achieve this?

Switch to the Simple Recovery model.

Switch to the Bulk-Logged Recovery model.

Manually truncate the transaction log on the server.

Take a full backup of the database before the bulk operation, and restore the database if the bulk operation fails.


You should switch to the Bulk-Logged Recovery model. The Bulk-Logged Recovery model ensures that bulkoperations are minimally logged. With the Bulk-Logged Recovery model, the
BULK INSERT , SELECT INTO , and INSERT…SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET statements are minimally logged. After the bulk operation iscompleted, the recovery model should be switched back to the Full Recovery model. You should not switch to the Simple Recovery model. With the Simple Recovery model, the transaction log istruncated after each backup. If you switch to this mode, the information stored in the transaction log for the otherusers currently using the system will be lost. You will also be unable to recover the database to a point of failureand data loss is probable. In this scenario, any type of data loss is unacceptable. You should not truncate the transaction log because recovering to the point of failure would not be possible if thetransaction log was truncated. The information stored in the transaction log for the other users currently using thesystem will be lost. Typically, you should only truncate the transaction log after you have performed a full backupof the database and transaction logs. You should not take a full backup of the database before the bulk operation and restore the database if the bulkoperation fails. Taking a full backup of the database does not reduce the size of the transaction log. In addition,this requires more effort than is necessary.

Performing Data Management Tasks

Import and export data.

TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Operations > Administration > BackingUp and Restoring Databases in SQL Server > Backup Under the Bulk-Logged Recovery Model TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Operations > Administration > BackingUp and Restoring Databases in SQL Server > Backup Under the Full Recovery Model TechNet > TechNet Library > Server Products and Technologies > SQL Server > SQL Server 2008 > ProductDocumentation > SQL Server 2008 Books Online > Database Engine > Operations > Administration > BackingUp and Restoring Databases in SQL Server > Backup Under the Simple Recovery Model

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