You are developing a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (SSRS) report for
You should create the report basing on the multidimensional data from a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) cube.
In order to create a Matrix report by using the [Change Count] measure in the Details field.
You should utilize the Report Wizard
Which is the correct answer?
You should use the expression of SELECT EMPTY { [Measures].[Change Number] } ON ROWS, DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION { [Measures]. [Change Count] } ON COLUMNS
You should use the expression of SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Change Count] } ON COLUMNS, DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION { [Measures]. [Change Count] } ON ROWS
You should use the expression of SELECT DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION { [Measures].[Change Number] } ON ROWS
You should use the expression of SELECT DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION { [Measures].[Change Count] } ON COLUMNS