what is Widgetworld’s best next step?

The Widgetworld Corporation has a business continuity plan that provides for an
alternate processing site that will accommodate 50 percent of the primary processing
facility�s processing capability. Having ascertained this, what is Widgetworld�s
best next step?

The Widgetworld Corporation has a business continuity plan that provides for an
alternate processing site that will accommodate 50 percent of the primary processing
facility’s processing capability. Having ascertained this, what is Widgetworld’s
best next step?

Do nothing. Less than 25 percent of all processing is critical to an organization’s survival and the backup capacity is therefore adequate.

Identify the applications that can be processed at the alternate site and develop manual procedures to back up the rest of the processing.

Ensure that all critical applications have been identified and that the alternate site can handle all such applications.

Arrange for an alternate processing site with the capacity to handle at least 75 percent of normal processing.


Business continuity plans should only provide for the recovery of
critical systems. Some processing that cannot take place through automation may need to take place manually.

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Presumably C has already been covered?



Hi admin,

The answer should be C:

Ensure that all critical applications have been identified and that the alternate site can handle all such applications.



Thanks Peter. Fixed.