Each distinguished name (DN) in an LDAP directory represents a collection ofattributes about a specific object, and is stored in the directory as an entry. DNsare composed of mon Name (CN) components which describe the object, and Domainponents (DC) which describe the domain in which the object resides. Which of thefollowing makes the most sense when constructing a DN?
dc=Shon Harris,cn=LogicalSecurity,dc=com
cn=Shon Harris,dc=LogicalSecurity,cn=com
cn=Shon Harris,cn=LogicalSecurity,dc=com
cn=Shon Harris,dc=LogicalSecurity,dc=com
In this example, the distinguished name is made up of a common name (cn) and domaincomponents (dc). Since this is a hierarchical directory, .com is the top,LogicalSecurity is one step down from .com (these two elements are Domainponents), and Shon Harris is at the bottom of the hierarchy (the only mon Namecomponent in this case).Page 25cess trol-P1.txt