What type offunctionality are these websites using?

If John books his flight on Southwest, the web site asks him if he wants to alsobook a hotel room. If he clicks "Yes," he could then be brought to the Hilton website, which provides him with information on the closest hotel to the airport he isflying into. Now, to book a room he does not have to log in again. What type offunctionality are these websites using?

If John books his flight on Southwest, the web site asks him if he wants to alsobook a hotel room. If he clicks “Yes,” he could then be brought to the Hilton website, which provides him with information on the closest hotel to the airport he isflying into. Now, to book a room he does not have to log in again.

What type offunctionality are these websites using?

Federated identity

HTTP state management

Identity management

HTTP splitting

A federated identity is a portable identity, and its associated entitlements, thatcan be used across business boundaries. It allows a user to be authenticated acrossmultiple IT systems and enterprises. Identity federation is based upon linking auser’s otherwise distinct identities at two or more locations without the need tosynchronize or consolidate directory information. Federated identity offersbusinesses and consumers a more convenient way of accessing distributed resourcesand is a key component of e-commerce. It is essentially when one organization agreesto trust another organization’s authentication of a user, and provide them a degreeof access based on that authentication.

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