How does RADIUS allow companies to centrally control remote user access?

How does RADIUS allow companies to centrally control remote user access?

How does RADIUS allow companies to centrally control remote user access?

Once a user is authenticated a profile is generated based on his security token,which outlines what he is authorized to do within the network.

Once a user is authenticated a pre-configured profile is assigned to him, whichoutlines what he is authorized to do within the network.

Once the RADIUS client authenticates the user, the RADIUS server assigns him apre-configured profile.

Once the RADIUS client authenticates the user, the client assigns the user apre-configured profile.

RADIUS allows companies to maintain user profiles in a central database. When a userdials in and is properly authenticated, then a pre-configured profile is assigned tohim to control what resources he can and cannot access. The RADIUS client cannotauthenticate or assign profiles, this is the RADIUS servers job.

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