What are the purposes of Attribute Value Pairs and how do they different fromRADIUS and Diameter?

What are the purposes of Attribute Value Pairs and how do they different fromRADIUS and Diameter?

What are the purposes of Attribute Value Pairs and how do they different fromRADIUS and Diameter?

AVPs are the constructs that outline how two entities will communicate. Diameterhas many more AVPs, which allow for the protocol to have more capabilities thanRADIUS.

AVPs are the protocol parameters used between communicating entities. Diameterhas less AVPs, which allow for the protocol to have more capabilities than RADIUS.

AVPs are the security mechanisms that provide confidentiality and integrity fordata being passed back and forth between entities. Diameter has many more AVPs,which allow for the protocol to have more security capabilities than RADIUS.

AVPs are part of the TCP protocol. Diameter uses AVPs, because it uses TCP andRADIUS uses UDP.

AVPs are constructs that outline how communication will take place betweencommunicating entities. The more AVPs that are present in a protocol, the morefunctionality and capabilities that protocol has. Diameter has many more AVPs than RADIUS, which is why it can authenticate devices in many different ways and havemore functionality through its peer to peer model.

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