what type of IDS can identify it based on its patternand not behavior?

What is a Land attack and what type of IDS can identify it based on its patternand not behavior?

What is a Land attack and what type of IDS can identify it based on its patternand not behavior?

Header has the same source and destination address and can be identified by astatistical anomaly-based IDS.

Header has no source and destination addresses and can be identified by asignature-based IDS.

Header has the same source and destination address and can be identified by atraffic-based IDS.

Header has the same source and destination address and can be identified by asignature-based IDS.

In a Land attack, a hacker modifies the packet header so that when areceiving system responds to the packet it is responding to its own address. Oncethis type of attack was discovered, the signature-based IDS vendors wrote asignature that looks specifically for packets that contain the same source anddestination addresses. Statistical anomaly-based IDS uses behavioral characteristicsand traffic-based is a type of statistical IDS.

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