what does it mean to call a product or protocol stateful?

Some protocols and products are referred to as stateful. What does "state"actually mean and what does it mean to call a product or protocol stateful?

Some protocols and products are referred to as stateful. What does "state"actually mean and what does it mean to call a product or protocol stateful?

State is the emptying of global variables, and stateful means that a product orprotocol understands and can keep track of state transitions.

State is a snapshot of a systems status, and stateful means that a product orprotocol understands and can keep track of state transitions.

State is the ability to change empty variables from one value to another, and astateful product or protocol aids in this transition.

State is the continual repopulating of system and application variables, andstateful products and protocols provide the security mechanisms for theseactivities.

Every change that an operating system experiences (user logs on, useropens application, application communicates to another application, user inputsdata, and so on) is considered a state transition. a very technical sense alloperating systems and applications are just lines and lines of instructions that arewritten to carry out functions on data. The instructions have empty variables, whichis where the data is held.

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