What is the relationship between an IDS event generator, sensor, and responsemodule?

What is the relationship between an IDS event generator, sensor, and responsemodule?

What is the relationship between an IDS event generator, sensor, and responsemodule?

The event generator receives raw data from a sensor and compares the values tothe response module.

The sensor receives raw data from the event generator, compares it to adatabase, and the response module dictates the response activity.

The sensor receives raw data from the event generator and compares the values tothe response module.

The response module contains the configurations for the event generator and thesensor.

The sensor receives raw data from an event generator and compares itto a signature database, profile, or model, depending upon the type of IDS. If thereis some type of a match, which indicates suspicious activity, the sensor works withthe response module to know what type of alert to send out (instant messaging, page,e-mail, firewall reconfiguration, and so on).

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