Which of the following bestdescribes its purpose?

Watchdog functionality can be used in AAA protocols. Which of the following bestdescribes its purpose?

Watchdog functionality can be used in AAA protocols. Which of the following bestdescribes its purpose?

Detects specific attack types

Detects process failure

Detects man-in-the-middle attacks

Detects packet corruption

Watchdog timers are commonly used to detect software fault, such as aprocess ending abnormally or hanging. The watchdog functionality sends out a type of "heartbeat" packet and if a service is not responding, the process can be terminatedor reset. This guards against software deadlocks, infinite loops, and processprioritization problems. This functionality can be used in AAA protocols to know ifpackets need to be resent and if connections that are experiencing problems need tobe closed and reopened.

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