What type of activity could this indicate?

John has noticed some unusual activities in his company’s logs. There have beenseveral outgoing authentication attempts in the format of "[email protected]".What type of activity could this indicate?

John has noticed some unusual activities in his company’s logs. There have beenseveral outgoing authentication attempts in the format of "[email protected]".What type of activity could this indicate?



Identity theft


Phishing is a type of social engineering with the goal of obtainingpersonal information, credentials, credit card number, or financial data. Theattackers lure, or fish, for sensitive data through various different methods.Nefarious web sites not only have the look and feel of the legitimate web site, butattackers would provide URLs with domain names that look very similar to thelegitimate site’s address. For example, www.amazon.com might become www.amzaon.com.Or use a specially placed @ symbol. For example, [email protected] wouldactually take the victim to the web site notmsn.com and provide the username of www.msn.com to this web site. The username www.msn.com would not be a valid usernamefor notmsn.com, so the victim would just be shown the home page of notmsn.com. Now,notmsn.com is a nefarious site and created to look and feel just like www.msn.com.The victim feels comfortable he is at a legitimate site and logs in with hiscredentials.

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Admin pls fix the answer should be A which is pharming.