Which of the following would be a reason for employing this type of technology?

Steven’s staff has asked for funding to implement technology that provides MobileIP. Which of the following would be a reason for employing this type of technology?

Steven’s staff has asked for funding to implement technology that provides MobileIP. Which of the following would be a reason for employing this type of technology?

Employees can move from one network to another

Peer-to-peer networks would not be allowed

Security staff could carry out sniffing

Users would not be allowed to move their wireless devices and still stayconnected to the network

This technology allows a user to move from one network to another andstill use the same IP address. It is an improvement upon the IP protocol because itallows a user to have a home IP address, associated with his home network, and acare-of address. The care-of address changes as he moves from one network to theother. All traffic that is addressed to his home IP address is forwarded to hiscare-of address.

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