Whatsolution should he offer his team to implement?

Joe is the manager of the network administration group. He has been told thatone of the systems working in dedicated security mode has been configured to allowsensitive information to pass to a system working in multilevel security mode. Whatsolution should he offer his team to implement?

Joe is the manager of the network administration group. He has been told thatone of the systems working in dedicated security mode has been configured to allowsensitive information to pass to a system working in multilevel security mode. Whatsolution should he offer his team to implement?





Software and hardware guards allow the exchange of data between trusted(high assurance) and less trusted (low assurance) systems and environments. Forinstance, if you were working on a MAC system (working in dedicated security mode ofsecret) and you needed it to communicate to a MAC database (working in multilevelsecurity mode, which goes up to top secret), the two systems would provide differentlevels of protection. If a system with lower assurance can directly communicate witha system of high assurance, then security vulnerabilities and compromises could beintroduced. A software guard is really just a front-end product that allowsinterconnectivity between systems working at different security levels.

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