Which of the following biometric technologies is considered the most accurate?

Which of the following biometric technologies is considered the most accurate?

Which of the following biometric technologies is considered the most accurate?





The iris is the colored portion of the eye that surrounds the pupil.The iris has unique patterns, rifts, colors, rings, coronas, and furrows. The uniqueness of each of these characteristics within the iris is captured by a camera and compared with the information gathered during the enrollment phase. Of the biometric systems, iris scans are the most accurate. The iris remains constant through adulthood, which reduces the type of errors that can happen during the authentication process. Sampling the iris offers more reference coordinates than anyother type of biometric. Mathematically, this means it has a higher accuracy potential than any other type of biometric.

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This may help also:


Retinal scan measurement accuracy can be affected by disease; iris fine texture remains remarkably stable
An iris scan is no different than taking a normal photograph of a person and can be performed at a distance; for retinal scanning the eye must be brought very close to an eyepiece (like looking into a microscope)
Iris scanning is more widely accepted as a commercial modality than retinal scanning
Retinal scanning is considered to be invasive, iris is not