What issue could Jane be faced with?

Jane is responsible for rolling out her company’s IDS product. She has to make sure to place the IDS sensors in the correct location and ensure that the sensors are capturing data correctly. One of her engineers has told her that one network segment will require three sensors, but she is concerned because this will put her over her budget. What issue could Jane be faced with?

Jane is responsible for rolling out her company’s IDS product. She has to make sure to place the IDS sensors in the correct location and ensure that the sensors are capturing data correctly. One of her engineers has told her that one network segment will require three sensors, but she is concerned because this will put her over her budget. What issue could Jane be faced with?

Incompatibility of sensors

Improper communication between sensors

Overwhelmed sensors

Improper communication between the sensors and the management console

If the network traffic volume exceeds the IDS system’s threshold,
attacks may go unnoticed. Each vendor’s IDS product has its own threshold, and you
should know and understand that threshold before you purchase and implement the IDS.
In very high-traffic environments, multiple sensors should be in place to ensure all
packets are investigated. If necessary to optimize network bandwidth and speed,
different sensors can be set up to analyze each packet for different signatures.
That way, the analysis load can be broken up over different points.

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