Why should the team that is going to perform and review the risk analysis information be made up of people in different departments?

Why should the team that is going to perform and review the risk analysis information be made up of people in different departments?

Why should the team that is going to perform and review the risk analysis information be made up of people in different departments?

To make sure the process is fair and that no one is left out.

They shouldn�t. It should be a small group brought in from outside the organization because otherwise the analysis is biased and unusable.

Because people in different departments understand the risks of their department and it ensures that the data going into the analysis is as close to reality as possible.

Because the people in the different departments are the ones causing the risks, so they should be the ones held accountable.

An analysis is only as good as the data that goes into it. Data
pertaining to risks the company faces should be extracted from the people who
understand the business functions and environment of the company the best. Each
department understands their own threats and resources, and may have possible
solutions to specific risks that affect their part of the company.

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