which a business can obtain an economic advantage over its competitors?

Which of the following is a formula, practice, process, design, instrument, pattern, or compilation of
information which is not generally known, but by which a business can obtain an economic
advantage over its competitors?

Which of the following is a formula, practice, process, design, instrument, pattern, or compilation of
information which is not generally known, but by which a business can obtain an economic
advantage over its competitors?


Utility model

Trade secret


A trade secret is a formula, practice, process, design, instrument, pattern, or compilation of
information which is not generally known. It helps a business to obtain an economic advantage
over its competitors or customers. In some jurisdictions, such secrets are referred to as

intellectual property, which secures to its holder the exclusive right to produce copies of his or her
works of original expression, such as a literary work, movie, musical work or sound recording,
painting, photograph, computer program, or industrial design, for a defined, yet extendable, period
of time. It does not cover ideas or facts. Copyright laws protect intellectual property from misuse
pages as they move between Web servers and browsers. It contains information that is read by a
Web application, whenever a user visits a site. Cookies are stored in the memory or hard disk of
client computers. A Web site stores information, such as user preferences and settings in a
cookie. This information helps in providing customized services to users. There is absolutely no
way a Web server can access any private information about a user or his computer through
cookies, unless a user provides the information. A Web server cannot access cookies created by
other Web servers.

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