which of the following network topologies does the data travel around a loop in a single direction and pass through each device?

In which of the following network topologies does the data travel around a loop in a single direction
and pass through each device?

In which of the following network topologies does the data travel around a loop in a single direction
and pass through each device?

Ring topology

Tree topology

Star topology

Mesh topology

Ring topology is a type of physical network design where all computers in the network
are connected in a closed loop. Each computer or
device in a Ring topology network acts as a repeater. It transmits data by passing a token around the
network in order to prevent the
collision of data between two computers that want to send messages at the same time. If a token is
free, the computer waiting to send data
takes it, attaches the data and destination address to the token, and sends it. When the token
reaches its destination computer, the data is
copied. Then, the token gets back to the originator. The originator finds that the message has been
copied and received and removes the
message from the token. Now, the token is free and can be used by the other computers in the
network to send data. In this topology, if one
computer fails, the entire network goes down.

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