Which of the following encryption methods does the SSL protocol use in order to provide communication privacy, authentication, and message integrity?

Which of the following encryption methods does the SSL protocol use in order to provide
communication privacy, authentication, and message integrity? Each correct answer represents a
part of the solution. Choose two.

Which of the following encryption methods does the SSL protocol use in order to provide
communication privacy, authentication, and message integrity? Each correct answer represents a
part of the solution. Choose two.

Public key




SSL uses a combination of public key and symmetric encryption to provide
communication privacy, authentication, and message integrity.
Symmetric encryption is a type of encryption that uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt data.
Symmetric encryption algorithms are faster
than public key encryption. Therefore, it is commonly used when a message sender needs to encrypt
a large amount of data. Data Encryption
Standard (DES) uses symmetric encryption key algorithm to encrypt data.
The Public Key Encryption also called asymmetric encryption was first publicly proposed by Diffie
and Hellman in 1976. Public Key Encryption is
more secure than non-public key encryption. It is based on the mathematical functionality rather
than on the simple operations on bit
patterns. It uses two separate keys. It has five stages as follows:
Plain Text: It is the original message.
Encryption Algorithm: It performs different transformations on plain text.
Public and Private Key: It is the input to the encryption algorithm.
Cipher Text: It is the scrambled message as an output.
Decryption Algorithm: It performs on cipher text and gives the original message as an output.
Answer option B is incorrect. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a method of securing data. It
secures traffic by using encryption and digital
signing. It enhances the security of data as if an IPSec packet is captured, its contents cannot be
read. IPSec also provides sender verification
that ensures the certainty of the datagram’s origin to the receiver.
Answer option C is incorrect. Microsoft created the Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol (MS-CHAP) to authenticate remote
Windows workstations. It is designed especially for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and
Windows 2000 networking products. This
protocol provides data encryption along with password encryption.

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