Which of the following plans provides procedures for recovering business operations immediately
following a disaster?
Disaster recovery plan
Business continuity plan
Continuity of operation plan
Business recovery plan
The business recovery plan is used to provide measures for recovery in business operations directly
following a disaster. Unlike the BCP, it lacks procedures to ensure continuity of critical processes
throughout an emergency or disruption.
Answer option B is incorrect. Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is the creation and validation of a
practiced logistical plan for how an organization will recover and restore partially or completelyinterrupted critical (urgent) functions within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended
disruption. The logistical plan is called a business continuity plan.
Answer option A is incorrect. A disaster recovery plan should contain data, hardware, and software
that can be critical for a business. It should also include the plan for sudden loss such as hard disc
crash. The business should use backup and data recovery utilities to limit the loss of data.
Answer option C is incorrect. The Continuity Of Operation Plan (COOP) refers to the preparations
and institutions maintained by the United States government, providing survival of federal
government operations in the case of catastrophic events. It provides procedures and capabilities to
sustain an organization’s essential. COOP is the procedure documented to ensure persistent critical
operations throughout any period where normal operations are unattainable.
CISM Review Manual 2010, Contents. “Incident management and response”