You create an availability group that has replicas named HA/Server01 and HA/Server02. Currently, HA/
Server01 is the primary replica.
You have multiple queries that read data and produce reports from the database.
You need to offload the reporting workload to the secondary replica when HA/Server01 is the primary replica.
What should you do?
Set the Availability Mode property of HA/Server02to Asynchronous commit.
Set the Readable Secondary property of HA/Server02 to Read-intent only.
Set the Connections in Primary Role property of HA/Server01 to Allow read/write connections.
Set the Availability Mode property of HA/Server01to Asynchronous commit.
Answer B) and C) seem both right, if the Connections want to connect with read-only-intent.
My tendence is that answer b) is right.
To Answer b):
Citation from the word-document on this site:
Read-intent-only Option
This option allows clients to automatically connect to an available readable secondary, and you can use it to prevent read workloads from running on the primary replica.
To Answer C)
For the primary role, select a new value from the Connections in primary role drop list, as follows:
– Allow all connections
All connections are allowed to the databases in the primary replica. This is the default setting.
– Allow read/write connections
When the Application Intent property is set to ReadWrite or the Application Intent connection property is not set, the connection is allowed. Connections where the Application Intent connection property is set to ReadOnly are not allowed. This can help prevent customers from connecting a read-intent work load to the primary replica by mistake.
Pretty sure B is correct. We want to offload the ‘Reports’ or the read only stuff to another instance. Read-intent only seems to be the best answer here.