Which code should be used?

There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is selfed-hosted within a console application.
PassGuideService is implementing the DataAccess contract.
The PassGuideApplication namespace includes a definition of the DataAccess contract.
A ServiceHost instance must first be created and then be assigned to a host variable.
The service host must be intantiated.
Which code should be used?

There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is selfed-hosted within a console application.
PassGuideService is implementing the DataAccess contract.
The PassGuideApplication namespace includes a definition of the DataAccess contract.
A ServiceHost instance must first be created and then be assigned to a host variable.
The service host must be intantiated.
Which code should be used?



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