How can this be achieved?

Public Class Agent

Public Property PassGuideName As String
Public Property PassGuideName As String
End Class
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) process PassGuideProcess.
When clients are started the send messages to PassGuideProcess. These messages are
accepted by PassGuideProcess.
The contract of the messages is being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideProcess must be able to make sure that the property values is kept unchanged after it
has been sent by the client.
PassGuideName should be sent in clear text while PassGuideSecret must not. PassGuideProcess
must be able to read both.
How can this be achieved?

Public Class Agent

Public Property PassGuideName As String
Public Property PassGuideName As String
End Class
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) process PassGuideProcess.
When clients are started the send messages to PassGuideProcess. These messages are
accepted by PassGuideProcess.
The contract of the messages is being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideProcess must be able to make sure that the property values is kept unchanged after it
has been sent by the client.
PassGuideName should be sent in clear text while PassGuideSecret must not. PassGuideProcess
must be able to read both.
How can this be achieved?



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