How can this be achieved?

PassGuideService Exhibit:
Public Interface PassGuideService
Function GetPassGuideServiceTime() As DateTime
End Interface
There is a class PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is hosted within an ASP.NET application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideService implements the interface being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideApp must be tweaked so that the GetPassGuideServiceTime method returns the result
formatted as JSON when request url ends in /PassGuide.
How can this be achieved?

PassGuideService Exhibit:
Public Interface PassGuideService
Function GetPassGuideServiceTime() As DateTime
End Interface
There is a class PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is hosted within an ASP.NET application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideService implements the interface being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideApp must be tweaked so that the GetPassGuideServiceTime method returns the result
formatted as JSON when request url ends in /PassGuide.
How can this be achieved?



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