How can you ensure that PassGuideOp1 and PassGuideOp2 runs within the same transaction whenever they are called within the same session?

Service implementation exhibit:

Class PassGuideService
Implements IPassGuideService
Public Sub PassGuideOne(ByVal value As String) —
Implements IPassGuideService. OperationOne

End Sub
Public Sub PassGuideTwo(ByVal value As String) —
Impements IPassGuideService. PassGuideTwo

End Sub
Contract exhibit:
<ServiceContract(SessionMode s SessionMode.Required)>
Publc Interface IPassGuideService
<OperationContract(IsOneWay=True, IsInitiating=True)>
Sub PassGuideOne(ByVal value As String)
<OperationContract(IsOneWay=True, IsInitiating=False)>
Sub PassGuideTwo(ByVal value As String)
End Interface
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
The contract and implementation of PassGuideService is being displayed in the exhibits.
NetMsmqBinding us used by PassGuideService to listen for messages.
The queue is configured to use transactions for removing and adding messages.
How can you ensure that PassGuideOp1 and PassGuideOp2 runs within the same transaction
whenever they are called within the same session?

Service implementation exhibit:

Class PassGuideService
Implements IPassGuideService
Public Sub PassGuideOne(ByVal value As String) —
Implements IPassGuideService. OperationOne

End Sub
Public Sub PassGuideTwo(ByVal value As String) —
Impements IPassGuideService. PassGuideTwo

End Sub
Contract exhibit:
<ServiceContract(SessionMode s SessionMode.Required)>
Publc Interface IPassGuideService
<OperationContract(IsOneWay=True, IsInitiating=True)>
Sub PassGuideOne(ByVal value As String)
<OperationContract(IsOneWay=True, IsInitiating=False)>
Sub PassGuideTwo(ByVal value As String)
End Interface
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
The contract and implementation of PassGuideService is being displayed in the exhibits.
NetMsmqBinding us used by PassGuideService to listen for messages.
The queue is configured to use transactions for removing and adding messages.
How can you ensure that PassGuideOp1 and PassGuideOp2 runs within the same transaction
whenever they are called within the same session?



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