Which XML segment should you add to the system.serviceModel configuration section of the web.config file?

Four Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services are hosted in Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS). No behavior configuration exists in the web.config file. You need
to configure the application so that every service and endpoint limits the number of
concurrent calls to 50 and the number of concurrent sessions to 25. Which XML segment
should you add to the system.serviceModel configuration section of the web.config file?

Four Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services are hosted in Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS). No behavior configuration exists in the web.config file. You need
to configure the application so that every service and endpoint limits the number of
concurrent calls to 50 and the number of concurrent sessions to 25. Which XML segment
should you add to the system.serviceModel configuration section of the web.config file?

<behaviors> < serviceBehaviors > < behavior name= ” * ” > < serviceThrottling
maxConcurrentCalls =”50″ maxConcurrentSessions =”25″/> </behavior> </
serviceBehaviors > </behaviors>

< behaviors> < serviceBehaviors > <behavior name=”default”> < serviceThrottling
maxConcurrentCalls =”50″ maxConcurrentSessions =”25″/> </behavior> </
serviceBehaviors > </behaviors>

<behaviors> < serviceBehaviors > <behavior name=””> < serviceThrottling
maxConcurrentCalls =”50″ maxConcurrentSessions =”25″/> </behavior> </
serviceBehaviors > </behaviors>

<behaviors> < serviceBehaviors > <behavior name=” ALL “> < serviceThrottling
maxConcurrentCalls =”50″ maxConcurrentSessions =”25″/> </behavior> </
serviceBehaviors > </behaviors>

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