You need to ensure that only users with the Manager role can call the ApproveOrder method

You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that implements the
following service contract. [ServiceContract] public interface IOrderProcessing {
[OperationContract] void ApproveOrder(int id); } You need to ensure that only users with the
Manager role can call the ApproveOrder method. What should you do?

You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that implements the
following service contract. [ServiceContract] public interface IOrderProcessing {
[OperationContract] void ApproveOrder(int id); } You need to ensure that only users with the
Manager role can call the ApproveOrder method. What should you do?

Add a PrincipalPermission attribute to the method and set the Roles property to

Add a SecurityPermission attribute to the method and set the SecurityAction to Demand.

In the method body, check the Rights.PossessProperty property to see if it contains

In the method body, create a new instance of WindowsClaimSet. Use the FindClaims
method to locate a claimType named Role with a right named Manager.


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