You need to create a channel factory that can send messages to the endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/ContosoService

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client configuration file contains the following
XML segment in the system.serviceModel element. <client> <endpoint address=”
net.tcp://server/ContosoService ” binding=” netTcpBinding ” contract=” Contoso.
IContosoService ” name=” netTcp ” / > <endpoint address=”
net.pipe://localhost/ContosoService ” binding=” netNamedPipeBinding ” contract=” Contoso.
IContosoService ” name=” netPipe ” /> </client> You need to create a channel factory that
can send messages to the endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/ContosoService. Which
code segment should you use

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client configuration file contains the following
XML segment in the system.serviceModel element. <client> <endpoint address=”
net.tcp://server/ContosoService ” binding=” netTcpBinding ” contract=” Contoso.
IContosoService ” name=” netTcp ” / > <endpoint address=”
net.pipe://localhost/ContosoService ” binding=” netNamedPipeBinding ” contract=” Contoso.
IContosoService ” name=” netPipe ” /> </client> You need to create a channel factory that
can send messages to the endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/ContosoService. Which
code segment should you use

ChannelFactory < Contoso. IContosoService > factory = new ChannelFactory < Contoso.
IContosoService >(” Contoso. IContosoService “);

ChannelFactory < Contoso. IContosoService > factory = new ChannelFactory < Contoso.
IContosoService >(” netNamedPipeBinding “);

ChannelFactory < Contoso. IContosoService > factory = new ChannelFactory < Contoso.
IContosoService >(” netPipe “);

ChannelFactory < Contoso. IContosoService > factory = new ChannelFactory < Contoso.
IContosoService >( ” net.pipe://localhost/ContosoService “);

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