You need to specify the endpoint information for the routing service

You are configuring a routing service to call a target service. The routing service has no
knowledge of the target service’s data tyes other than the service contract. The operation
contract for all of the methods of the target service specifies IsOneWay=true. You need to
specify the endpoint information for the routing service. What should you do?

You are configuring a routing service to call a target service. The routing service has no
knowledge of the target service’s data tyes other than the service contract. The operation
contract for all of the methods of the target service specifies IsOneWay=true. You need to
specify the endpoint information for the routing service. What should you do?

In the routing service configuration file, specify “*” for the client endpoint contract and “*”
for the service endpoint contract.

In the routing service configuration file, specify “*” for the client endpoint contract and
System.ServiceModel.Routing.IRequestReplyRouter for the service endpoint contract.

In the target service configuration file, specify “*” for the client endpoint contract and “*”
for the service endpoint contract.

In the routing service configuration file, specify “*” for the client endpoint contract and
System.ServiceModel.Routing.ISimplexDatagramRouter for the service endpoint contract.

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