Which behavior should you configure and apply to the service?

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service interacts with the database of a workflow engine.
Data access authorization is managed by the database, which raises security exceptions if a user is unauthorized to access it.
You need to ensure that the application transmits the exceptions raised by the database to the client that is calling the service.
Which behavior should you configure and apply to the service?

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service interacts with the database of a workflow engine.
Data access authorization is managed by the database, which raises security exceptions if a user is unauthorized to access it.
You need to ensure that the application transmits the exceptions raised by the database to the client that is calling the service.
Which behavior should you configure and apply to the service?





serviceDebug Specifies debugging and help information features for a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.
serviceSecurityAudit Specifies settings that enable auditing of security events during service operations.
workflowUnhandledException A service behavior that enables you to specify the action to take when an unhandled exception occurs within a workflow service.

Setting includeExceptionDetailInFaults to true allows the service to return any exception that is thrown by the application code even
if the exception is not declared using the FaultContractAttribute. This setting is useful when debugging cases where the server is
throwing an unexpected exception. By using this attribute, a serialized form of the unknown exception is returned and you can
examine more details of the exception.


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