What should you change in the configuration file’?

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client communicates with a service.
You created the client proxy by using Add Service Reference in MS Visual Studio.
You need to ensure that the client accepts responses of up to 5 MB in size. What should you change in the configuration file’?

A Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) client communicates with a service.
You created the client proxy by using Add Service Reference in MS Visual Studio.
You need to ensure that the client accepts responses of up to 5 MB in size. What should you change in the configuration file’?

the value of the maxBufferPoolSize attribute to 5242880

the value of the maxReceivedMessageSize attribute to 5242880

the value of the maxBytesPerRead attribute to 5242880

the value of the maxBufferSize attribute to 5242880

WSHttpBindingBase.MaxReceivedMessageSize Property
Gets or sets the maximum size for a message that can be processed by the binding.

Type: System.Int64
The maximum size, in bytes, for a message that is processed by the binding. The default value is 65,536 bytes.

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